Nokia Dares to Tame Thunder Lighting to Charge Mobile Phones

"Do NOT use your mobile phone in an open area when its raining with thunder lighting" - the general instruction we hear almost from every wellwisher in a rainy season. Using a mobile phone in thunder lighting is considered as equal to as attempting a suicide.

In your wildest of imaginations did you ever thought of harnessing the thunder lighting to charge your smartphone?? I guess no infact a big NO. 

But Nokia not only imagined to tame the thunder lighting but actually has started to lay the foundation together with University of Southampton to use the natural lighting for personal use.

Using a phone in thunder lighting may kill you today but tomorrow it may charge your smartphone in a flash.

Wow! many of us must be feeling goose bump by just imagining it and i wonder people will go crazy if this will be done successfully.

Nokia in this regard said “That the Nokia Lumia 925 could withstand this sort of experiment is testament to the renowned high quality and durability of Nokia’s devices and the company’s continuing research to increase the already outstanding reliability of its products,” the company said

Keep Learning-Keep Sharing

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