Save Your Time With These Basic Computer Shortcuts

These days we use a computer mouse to perform most of the tasks but if we use computer keys for to perform basic commands we can save a lot of time. 

The basic computer shortcuts are not very hard to memorize or learn but they can be very effective in saving time and increasing your productivity.

The basic computer shortcuts are listed below. You can use/learn and memorize each one of them to save your precious time.

Alt + F
File menu options in current program.

Alt + E
Edit options in current program

Universal Help in almost every Windows program

Ctrl + A
Select all text/files

Ctrl + F 
Open find window for current document or window

Ctrl + X
Cut selected item

Shift + Del
Cut selected item/files

Ctrl + C
Copy selected item/files

Ctrl + Ins
Copy selected item/files

Ctrl + V
Paste the copied item/files

Shift + Ins
Paste the copied item/files

Ctrl + P
Print the current page or document

Ctrl + Home 
Go to beginning of document

Go to end of current line

Ctrl + End
Go to end of document

Shift + Home 
Highlight from current position to beginning of line

Shift + End 
Highlight from current position to end of line

Ctrl + Left 
Cursor moves one word to the left

Ctrl + Right
Cursor moves one word to the right

Keep Learning-Keep Sharing

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